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Showing posts from October, 2013


Fear arise out of illusion that you are a persona =====*===========*=======*====== Once you are in illusion, unconsciousness leads you towards the fear. Because you got identified by the wrong ego which is being given by the society and you forget your own self. It is the biggest problem in each persons life. The only thing we can do is not to be identified by our mind and should be a witness. So it happens the ecstasy, blissfulness, and the holy bath. Fear of loosing ego happens in many of us because you feel that you lost something which is of you. But it is a very settled game of our mind.

Make your self as your background

Today i got a strange experience that our making of self (witness) as a background gives or helps us continuous contact with the consciousness, though the mind plays in front us so many tactics. Almost mind creates the illusion as if they are real in the form of dreams, once we come to know that they are dreams then they disappear. The very awareness about dreams is the predator to the mind. My experience with the self is manifested here in pic...