Social identification Society is a well organized structure that no one can come back easily, but the entrance is always allowed or it always welcomes individual children. See the strange thing about society only one entry there is no exit, hardly there must be, for even one or two rebellions. while Existence has given such a freedom that one can forget one's self and get melt into it. It is such a vast phenomenon continuous and changing even. I heard one thing about society and its conditioning from a master that society never exists once we remove individuals from this organization. Only individuals are existing they only make the society. I admit this fact that society is full of individuals there seems to be no other way. Portrait with pixels of tile It is more like this horse made up of pixels of tile. Once you remove individual tile chips from this portrait you will see no horse portrait. This is what i said about society and its individ...
Existence of the human being depends mainly on several works of mind. This existence is a result and representative of inner being. Here, this blog has been provided, in order to examine the real information regarding the relation between Mind (Outer) and Soul (Inner). However, this trial gives the way to such primitive laws of eternal spirituality made by plenty of Rishis around the India.