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Showing posts from November, 2015

Social identification - habbit from childhood

Social identification Society is a well organized structure that no one can come back easily, but the entrance is always allowed or it always welcomes individual children. See the strange thing about society only one entry there is no exit, hardly there must be, for even one or two rebellions.  while Existence has given such a freedom that one can forget one's self and get melt into it. It is such a vast phenomenon continuous and changing even. I heard one thing about society and its conditioning from a master that society never exists once we remove individuals from this organization. Only individuals are existing they only make the society. I admit this fact that society is full of individuals there seems to be no other way.    Portrait with pixels of tile It is more like  this horse made up of pixels of tile. Once you remove individual tile chips from this portrait you will see no horse portrait. This is what i said about society and its individ...

Be aware off others' opinions

Be aware off  Be conscious and be aware off from whom you are catching words. Existence is so vast so much so that the ego happens to be so small and tiny still trying to survive. Why not the ego questions itself? Those who does mischief to others can never questions at their mistakes. This looks paradoxical and truth often looks paradoxical and contradictory as one master said. Let my self flow as a nectar over poison to reach.

Meditation - Medication for many illnesses

Medit ation-Medication                                                 It is a simple practice which cures or heals  related to many body, mental, and emotional disease. From down the centuries we have been experiencing many calamities either human made or nature provoked. For the first time in human history we are throbbing to inculcate our intrinsic power to serve the humanity. As it is said in India by many yogis that,   we must strive  hard to establish truth in this momentary and contradictory way of life. सर्वेजना सुखिनो भवन्तुः Mind has an element of thought and it is rooted in unconsciousness. Once the thought gets manifested into an action it brings k arma (कर्मा)  into our subconscious mind. That is why karma always stays in sub-conscious mind. Dear friends, remember karma never can be changed without our influence and withou...

Silence and meditation

Silence and its importance Silence is like background all sounds and words are actors and if the mind becomes a director there exists a horror picture, or if the heart act becomes an emotional picture, or if the self becomes a director action becomes complete. a complete picture if witness becomes the action there exists no actor nor the action only witnessing a pure blissful action of self. That is some masters call. Many names but expression is high deeper and vast. Meditation and its practical implications Meditation is not only a simplest thing to practice, but also a easiest to attain an inner silence. The only thing can we get is meditation in our life which is valuable too. Nothing is valuable in life all else will go one day and all the things we may got today nothing stays here in this present moment except one thing that is realization. Self realization ( uddaretaat tmanaatmaanaam ). Meditation is a vehicle to realize life...thus you do it don't ...

Controlling others is an act of puffing ego

Why a human need to control other human or a group of people ? In order to accomplish one's own mental needs these are necessary as follows:  1. Hollowness inside ones' own being 2. Trying to puff one's own ego 3. Getting the pleasure out of judgment and blame 4. Oozing out all the suppressed feelings or thoughts 5. Unconscious dropping of grudge on others 6. Getting identified with the falsified self 7. Improving one's own skin or mask 8. Feeling great at self and worst at counterpart 9. Evil like behavior to unload all the mental depositions 10. Unhealthy practice of getting-rid-off of fear and anger 11. Forceful presentation of anxiety and anguish 12. Perverted mental disease which brings pleasure 13. Act of negating energy stink 14. Divide the people and rule 15. Political and cunning act of power 16.