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Showing posts from December, 2012

There is no god -but his presence is there in the existence

There is no god -but his presence is there in the existence ________________________________________________________________________________ Would you agree what i am saying? can you able to prove that my statement is wrong? i have been waiting for such a human since one year. hence, in my view, there is no god but his presence is only be there everywhere. Face book conversation: Response: There is no god to give a can you say he makes a way...however, godliness (existence) can make a way but not  a god (person)...(<3) Question: What is godliness then? Response: It is a quality of the self is a truth unto can only be experienced but it cannot be said (i don't say that i don't want to say but i cannot say) is beyond the words...of you really wants to attain try to exper ience it in your deep-relaxing-silence-state of blissful being through meditation...only heart can be helpful to attain the truth but not mind (dr...

Mind - Being

Mind - Being -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind cannot support the being, on the contrary, being can support the mind to grow in its own accord except when being is present . When being presents in our inner world there is only the self exist and then nothing exist other than it. When consciousness exists in our being then witness brings blissfulness and hence there must not be a seed of thought in our mind. So if thought exists mind can grow, thus seedless thought never grow. However, rejoicing in being is an endless or eternal or blissfulness exists in this very present moment.


Conditioning - Dangerous to conditioned  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody say and try to insist others that thing they cannot do whole-heart'd. Before we say to anybody at-least we have to have an experience. However, conditioning to a conditioned person is always dangerous to him but conditioning to an unconditioned person is a joy or celebration.

Life -Beauty

Life -Beauty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is so beautiful as nature as it is...Social condemnation and relative conditioning on an Individuals has been creating the perverted and diverted psychological perceptions in each human being in present days...I am proud of nature but not of present humans' perception, on the contrary i am feeling worst about present situations...What about you...? 


Innocence - Quality to the humans --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Innocence makes us so sensitive, for example children can be sensitive as if they are innocent, while matured can be rude as if he is rigi d in feeling the heart. However, sensitivity is not a disorder but a quality that most of the children and women contains such a rare quality in them. But, intelligence with the sensitivity is needed for each a person in order to communicate each other


Mind -Illusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind always tries to make the truth as an illusory, as a result every ordinary human being thinks rationally and logically but not wisely or intellectually. Hence, this present world consist of lot many ideologies, philosophies, and traditional -religious- dogmas but not much experiences, art galleries, and poetry.


Trust -Changes your life ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trust unto your self becomes trust unto the existence...Unless your ego (you) vanishes from your self being you (self) cannot attain the trust in it...Be freed from all the conditioning and liberate from all bondage in meditation...involve  in silence thus you become the complete and total nothing can fulfill except this feeling in your life. All the properties and fame vanishes with your ego but self remains...Live a Life and Make others to be lived.


Time -Timeless  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is no yesterday and neither the future every minute come to the present become this very present moment. Thus, this very present moment is so-called life...try to live in this moment it is enough no need of doing other things if it is needed but live and do. 


Life -Between the two  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is not a crime to weep...because everybody comes with a breath inhale and goes breath is between the two successive inhale and exhale but not the life everybody thinks about is...a fraction of second is a time of life, for an each moment we born and die in between space occupy the life...


Misery -Suffering to ones' life ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind always tries to produce the desires and make the thoughts, hence misery is the product. Each pleasure carries pain with its hand as well as each pain carries sorrow in its bin. However, desire creates the pleasure and it is the seed of our sorrow, finally misery is the end product to receive. Out of misery mind functions in its ultimate presence, but witnessing or seer of this situation in our inner is only the way to diminish the desires. 


Unconscious people - Suffers from all the bondage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most of the crowd in the world has been suffering with its misery towards the life, hence suffering is the beautiful evil gift which is being given all the times to their life. why human being tries to satisfy the desires though it is well known that it is impossible?  Misery -Desire -Pleasure -Pain -Sorrow -Suffering  Desires never be satisfied in each of our life even there is no end for this misery. Mind always tries to produce the desires and make the thoughts, hence misery is the product. Out of misery mind functions in its ultimate presence, but witnessing or seer of this situation in our inner is only the way to diminish the desires. Each pleasure carries pain with its hand as well as each pain carries sorrow in its bin. However, desire creates the pleasure and it is the seed of our sorrow, finally miser...


Repression - Disastrous impact on human being ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repressing the desires (physical and psychological) makes one to be slave to oneself (mind). Once it happens one should suffer and sacrifice his own life to pass the time. However, the only solution for such a psychological disorder is to have a consciousness on each moment of our life. It comes only when one is free from all the bondage's such as social conditioning and mental suppression. Complete freedom for an individual makes one to be liberated and thus very flowering makes one to be conscious about oneself. If anybody tries to make love they can make without restriction and if anyone try to leave the family he can. This happens only when each individual freed from all the perceptions. Society and its crowd always try to make ones to be slavery to it, moreover it also never accept an individual feelings.  

Restless Life - Method to come out

Restless Life - Created Clutter inside our Being  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since civilization came to a significant stage in humans' life, he has always been postponed the rejoice and created energy blocks inside his body (being). However, such circumstances directed towards the restless life so-called civilized life. Is it civilized? if it is civilized society it must have a liberal or individual beings. But in the reality it is quite opposite. Finally, ego has been obstructing each sensitive master to not to allow even a single word from him. Ego cannot allow an innocent beings' voice because of its conditioning and being condemned.  Society wants the rest nothing but individual needs the rest and take a deep sleep to encounter the truth. It must not say that every person must do this each has its own choice. But remember the way you are living is never be fulfilled until you get the peace....


Conditioning -Perfect tool to society to handle or maintain the children ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since from the birth, children usually being   conditioned   by our society around us. This very condemnation is a cruel act which has been imposed on individual child from   thousands   of years. However, if we consider this situation as a   serious matter   we can realize that we are still in this worst world such as civilized society. Hence, the more the   individual aware   of this situation the more he can gain, however, gets tremendous feeling such as   experience .  Society has its own   slaves   such as professors, priests, army generals, industrialists, businessmen, political leaders, and other wasted interests. Thus, it gives the   society   to grow in its own evil way, hence diverting towards to the world wars (going to...

Remembered mind -Destruction

Remembered mind -Destructive to other inner beings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your remembered-mind-perceptions always create negative impression in your being. It is nothing but drinking your own made poison perhaps because you are either a creator or destroyer; both are there in your being. However, others' perception on your being is also a dangerous and destructive, and causes more hurdles and more loopholes in your inner. Never try to allow such poisons either yours' or others' both are dangerous unto itself. Allow the nature to grow in your inner, allow the birds to sing inside, allow the trees to grow there, allow the flowers to blossom there, and allow the river to flow there, allow the ocean to exist there, allow the breezes to come there, and allow the consciousness inside you... 

Dominance of Mind - Destructive Nature

Dominant functioning of mind - Destruction to the nature of being ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind cannot function when the truth flows across our being. It happens only when we are in blissful state of mind. Blissfulness comes from the deep meditation; it lightens up to its silence. Thus, silence disappears blissfulness disappears from our being. Meditation can only create the silence and no mind condition can only create the silence. While blissfulness has been the witness for us truth or love can exist at the allowance of holiness inside us, otherwise misery creates the suffering and sorrow. As a result, continuous suffering from the past and misery towards the future can exist. Finally, one even dies with such a mindful sickness and sufferings. This is so-called viscous circle of our mind. It can function only we are unconscious, i.e., we are in the state of not allowing or obstructing the...