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Showing posts from January, 2016

Anger - how to overcome this mental torture

Anger Being angry is projecting one's own energy on somebody outside and insisting them to carry such a big flame. Anger exists when frustration and despair are hanging in the mind. Irrespective of the concerns and morals, one must understand one's problem of making violence such as being angry at others. One has to be aware-off each and every moment whether anger exist or not if it exists how much we be aware-off.  I h ad gon e through many cases of perso n al relationship and  its di ff iculties in dealing with one an other. I realized that m an y of us never think at-leas t one m inute be for e we talk to another. I used to see th at th ere exists one problem in dealing with a mind and with a heart separately. Most of the people talk emo tionally , but they actually use their cunnin g nature in makin g a mind-to-mind d ialogue.

Time management -utility and usage

Time management We always think that we should manage the time systematically and to follow punctually. But in the reality we need not follow any custom or discipline. Every individual wants freedom and comfort both in equal proportion or amount. Once we get entangled in doing exhaustive works and get frustrated and to get afraid off results, we loose confidence and lost in vain. Anyhow every individual manages to do his/her job and get benefit.   

Misery - a simple reason to avoid many favours

No one can help any miserable people Miserable people are never help any individual in their life. The very misery makes them not helping others. The ego resides inside these people is so much so big that not a single contact they make to loose their ego. But one this is for sure that no one can live ones life eternally. It is the mind which plays a major role in changing the situations.  Once mind stops acting hence no misery neither an ego. Society avoids miserable people because  they are worthless to talk they never help anyone. Once society come to know the value of a human it starts blame after any single mischief. Mischief's from others are common in ones life and we must avoid them too. Once you are free from all the bondage of society, relations, friends, and family your entire life changes from a hell to heaven.