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Career Plan for Bachelor Students

Dear folks,

Plan your life from the second year of your bachelor's degree. To execute your plan, you need to exercise practices of career with different probabilities and opportunities. Questions arise while accomplishing these tasks and further it leads to variety of lifetime experiences. One among such experiences is to fight with companies to secure a job one while the other one is to fight with the organizations to acquire an admission into a reputed institute. Prior one is industry related while the posterior one was institution/higher education. 

Life-Career Balance happen when we face the tough situations with our control on senses. One example of my life I would like to share is that when I was going through my PhD degree in IIT Kharagpur, I faced mental abuse from my supervisor every day. Often, she uses derogatory words to teach us lessons. Words like "idiotic" or "stupid" or "mediocre" or so on... One of my juniors used to get shivering and she got suffered once with the fits too. Since I had a habit of practicing meditation, showed no reaction towards my supervisor's scoldings people around me thinks that I am numb or dumb. But they are unknown and unaware about me fully that I am completely present and neither reactive nor responsive. I was trying to be present in that situation. It was completely a closed state of my aura. This practice was once adopted and suggested by Budha the Gautama of Vihar (In present day Bihar) of India (the then Bharatha). The technique was inspired from a tortoise that whenever any predators or enemies trying to attack it, it does not react neither it response to them on the contrary it closes its head underneath of its hard shell. This is called Samyakh Bhavana.

Life-Relations do develop only when you completely compromise your own goals and your ambitions. It happened once during the same time (around the year 2011-12) that my father denied my proposal to apply for a new PhD admission in a different discipline (Philosophy). I was attracted to Osho the Rajaneesh and the Jiddu Krishnamurti so much that I wanted to PhD in philosophy. My dream was ended with a small Blackmail that offered by my father to me by saying or threatening with words such as "what should I explain to you brother and mother about your changing decisions" and "what will they say do you guess?". These are few of the ambitions or goals of my life which were completely been denied and been suppressed my inner feeling to accomplish my life goals. Again, one small technique of expression had helped me to come out of that situation and go ahead. That is express in fullest way possible even if it is cry or anger or sadness or sorrow or pain or any feeling but on one condition that you have to close your eyes while doing it and never try to remember any person. This technique again had evolved in Budha culture in India where few monks have got inspiration from the practice of Gibberish Indonesian tribes. The same technique of Gibberish was introduced by Osho in his ashram everywhere in Dynamic Meditation. It helped me a lot to get rid of so much pain and despair. This is called Samyak Vyayam.

Life-Profession bonding get developed when we do not misunderstand the actions of others. Particularly, you need to study your boss or leader at workplace. Sometimes your obedience has no value as nobody is ready to give some priority to it. In such situations, you better be categorical to act against any such responses. It happened to me once in my life during my job at KIIT University Bhubaneswar that some of the students of B.Tech course have complained against me that I was not providing sufficient time neither I was spending enough time in the lab as per timetable of the lab. Immediately my dean of the school has called me to inquire about what had happened. I had to give an explanation that I was not feeling well and went to cabin to take some medicines. Within this small gap these many incidences happened I said. But I was accountable for whatever act I had performed in the campus. I tried my level best to resolve many conflicts for e.g. exam duties, excess lab duties, marks distribution, course development and lab establishment, etc. Behaving obedient made me determined. This is called Samyak Sankalp.

Gautama Buddha explained the Eight Fold Path by including: Samyak Drishti (To understand and accept that nothing happens against the rules of nature)  Samyak Sankalp (Right determination)  Samyak Vacha (Right speech)  Samyak Karmanta (Right behaviour)  Samyak Ajiva (Livelihood by right means)  Samyak Vyayam (Conscious avoidance of offensive things) Samyak Smriti (watchfulness and memory of right things) Samyak Samadhi (Establishing the mind firmly in equanimity; a state beyond pleasure and sorrow)

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