Since five thousand years, meditation flows like a flux across the many people and had been transferred from one-to-many in India. In other words, it can be said like the flow of the meditation became the practice system, which being the reason for the growth of the intellectual plant in an un-conscious existence. In order to cultivate this land of existence, master sows the seeds in it, hence this sow called as spiritual reality. Meditation In present days, people being unknown of meditation, being tasted the modern culture, losing his identity in this gods own nature. This modern culture improved with a disastrous wordiness by laying the lustrous foundation. Then, this primitive tradition roots remain exist yet this moment. However, this modern society since it is good, but it has been creating the obstructions to this primitive spiritual tradition system. Hence, this present situation is so dangerous and arrogant such that this bad effect i...
Existence of the human being depends mainly on several works of mind. This existence is a result and representative of inner being. Here, this blog has been provided, in order to examine the real information regarding the relation between Mind (Outer) and Soul (Inner). However, this trial gives the way to such primitive laws of eternal spirituality made by plenty of Rishis around the India.