Seven Bodies -Human being _____________________________________________________ osho said that the individual can be divided into seven bodies. 1. Physical Body 2. Etheric Body 3. Astral Body 4. Mental Body 5. Spiritual Body 6. Cosmic Body 7. Nirvanic Body, the bodiless body In the first seven years of life, the physical body alone is formed. The other bodies are in seed form. They have a potential for growth but they lie dormant in the beginning of life. So the first seven years are years of limitation. There is no growth of intellect, emotion or desire during these years. Only the physical body develops within this period. Some people never grow beyond seven years; they stagnate at this stage. Animals develop only in the physical body; the other bodies remain untouched within them. In the next seven years - that is from seven years to fourteen years - the etheric body, develops. These seven years are years of emotional growth of the individual. This is why sexual mat...
Existence of the human being depends mainly on several works of mind. This existence is a result and representative of inner being. Here, this blog has been provided, in order to examine the real information regarding the relation between Mind (Outer) and Soul (Inner). However, this trial gives the way to such primitive laws of eternal spirituality made by plenty of Rishis around the India.