Mediocre Minds -Settled Ego
The very settled ego can be known from each mediocre mind. Thus, it creates a complete silence in others'
being. However, the very silence is so-called no mind condition creates an excellent reverberation and a strong vibration in the being. Hence, there is a need of inferiority complex when anybody is being condemned and possessed by us. Therefore, it is better to avoid discussing much about all this rubbish about others. Unless we get a complete liberation from these bondage we cannot be freed completely from this self immolation such as physical growth. Western people had been trying to get out this misery such as continuous struggle in physical life to get out of this poverty, but they were lost their very sensibility from the nature. Finally they became rigid like a concrete and made a confined path around their being in order to create a perfect boundary over this fragmented mind such as perception. Present world is a collective and cumulative cause for a longtime effort and struggle over a million years.
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