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Discussion on Telangana partition and the Residual Andhra pradesh

Unlike ·  ·  · Yesterday at 4:52pm · 
  • Dudam Bharath Kumar Kalyan Kanigalpula: why the village and their youth, why don't the individual? individual growth is the first foremost importance in ones life...irrespective of the inhibitions in ones mind and politics in the society...meditation can solve many problems because once our software (mind) is made profound thus our hardware (body) works its own...meditation is a process of cleaning all viruses (thoughts)...and each master is an antivirus software...this is contemporary -yet supercomputer yuga... dbk
    Yesterday at 6:20pm · Like

  • Dudam Bharath Kumar Vijay Kumar: its a fact and moreover you are commenting without tasting the meditation...taste it and comment...bro

  • Vijay Kumar I have lots of different flavors to taste bro, its okey even Dalai Lama also ran away from his own country with out helping their own country/state people. Happily he is dng meditation, and preaching the country.  Dudam Bharath Kumar
  • Dudam Bharath Kumar Vijay Kumar: I agree that there are many contradictions on spirituality and the national integrity, but i don't go into a deep politics my intention is not to make an intellectual discussion anna. It is simple to that society consists of individuals but without them there is no society. Once society makes any decision means there is a crowd support i am not touching a crowd my concern is only on individual. Once individual development happens then there is no need of many politicians to lead us because we are 'conscious' enough to lead ourselves. I am waiting for that moment, but not the protestation or reactionary measures to avoid leadership. Educated leadership with an individual consciousness comes through meditation not through any other knowledgeable studies...Tibet case is entirely different because of non-violence over this country nobody could avoid the chinese troops it is so simple to understand. If no politicians are there then there is no need of buying the weapons and go for wars...if every individual in all countries does this the quest for fighting disappears it comes only through transformation of each individual through meditation...i had its taste it is immensely valuable for the society to do avoid any kind of violence in the name of state, country, or continent...peace comes through inner transformation (meditation) not through intellectual argument...
  • Dudam Bharath Kumar


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