In India like country we cannot
teach #spirituality because the
biggest problem in teaching here
is people's #prejudice about god
and the oldest culture of priesthood
which has been existed here on this
land for a #millenia....
Not even a single one understood about
a meditation from thousand which i am
encountered with in my entire life till today
just after from the realization of my self
and just after i started my life as my self
not as an ego but as a self....
Eveywhere there is an inferiority of
loosing #identity in people's attention,
jealousy at nearest neighbour about
small things and for a mundane
misconceptions and lack of attention to
ones' own #silence inside.
Looking at gadgets, accumulated knowledge,
persona's, property, penny (PPP) of others.
teach #spirituality because the
biggest problem in teaching here
is people's #prejudice about god
which has been existed here on this
land for a #millenia....
Not even a single one understood about
a meditation from thousand which i am
encountered with in my entire life till today
just after from the realization of my self
and just after i started my life as my self
not as an ego but as a self....
Eveywhere there is an inferiority of
loosing #identity in people's attention,
jealousy at nearest neighbour about
small things and for a mundane
misconceptions and lack of attention to
ones' own #silence inside.
Looking at gadgets, accumulated knowledge,
persona's, property, penny (PPP) of others.
I just get exhausted by being a part of many
arguments about the simple adaptation of
#materialistic way of living as westerners doing
for centuries and it has been an unending urge
so much so that one day this entire #world
would be #destroyed by the same so-called
#technology such as development.
arguments about the simple adaptation of
#materialistic way of living as westerners doing
for centuries and it has been an unending urge
so much so that one day this entire #world
would be #destroyed by the same so-called
#technology such as development.
what development one brings by destroying this wonderful earth? and
what the enhancement one can see in ones eye by killing innocent creatures ? and what if a humanity has reached to a highest sunlit peak ?
As same as earlier a bird sings, an animal jumps, a tree breaths and a
river fluxes, a mountain dwells in wind breezes, but an #ugly_face of this
existence #thinks cruelly at this wonderful and one-and-only (discovered)#living_nature in this existence..........
Moral makers, good intentioned persona's, religious head, politicians, bureaucrats, intelligentsia and the so-called socialists all are #responsible for this entire project of #technology_for_destruction..........
Meditative eye looks at the existence as it is but not the modern eye.....!
what the enhancement one can see in ones eye by killing innocent creatures ? and what if a humanity has reached to a highest sunlit peak ?
As same as earlier a bird sings, an animal jumps, a tree breaths and a
river fluxes, a mountain dwells in wind breezes, but an #ugly_face of this
existence #thinks cruelly at this wonderful and one-and-only (discovered)#living_nature in this existence..........
Moral makers, good intentioned persona's, religious head, politicians, bureaucrats, intelligentsia and the so-called socialists all are #responsible for this entire project of #technology_for_destruction..........
Meditative eye looks at the existence as it is but not the modern eye.....!
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