In a view to analyze the impact of weather conditions on spread of COVID-19 diseases that occurs from infection of Corona-Sars virus of second generation (Sars-Corona-2), we used meteorological parameters including temperature, relative humidity, winds-peed and rainfall from central pollution control board (CPCB) observations (via and history of COVID-19 cases was obtained from ? Pollution

Results show that the number of cases were increasing at a rate of xx N/day. Cumulative increase in no of cases reported show an exponential growth in COVID-19 cases in India. Though recovery rate surges from xx to yy, number of fresh cases are coming up at a rate of yy N/day. Among the metro cities of India, Mumbai followed by Delhi and Chennai show significantly highest number of cases. We observe 67% of cases from eight cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad including Bengalure, Kolkara, Jaipur, Patna. Number of COVID-19 cases were correlated with the meterological parameters. It has been reported that COVID-19 disease infections are significantly related to the change in weather conditions for e.g vertical winds, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall (refs).

The COVID-19 number of daily cases and meterological data were applied to Hierarchical clustering (HC) algorithm of ward's method to group the similar meteorology parameters that may influences the spread of the virus.
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