Patience-Jewel of your being
Patience comes
from the responsible perception, but it never come from the
irresponsible-desirable-persons’ perception. It must be clear to us for a while
that how patience become a quality for a human being. Quality of life built-up
not immediately, of course, it takes some time to complete the building. So,
unless we tries to make a building unto fulfill our own needs, things
never changes. There are so many things are there to concern our life because
there seems to be impossible to make them to be aware of it, immediately.
However, if we really be aware of each and every psychological acts of our life
and if we understand each projection of our mind and its causes, thus things
become easy to be sorted out. How one can be able to sort out the things and how
can one understand the life as a whole further. Perhaps it seems to be tough
and challenge-able but it is possible by making ourselves to be
conscious in each moment of life (either past or present). Such a consciousness
comes from meditating ones’ own, known to be a meditation (Dhyannam).
Meditation creates a different dimension in us in order to make us to be aware
of our self (being or soul). It also makes us to be crystal clear about our own
life and others’ complete life. Unless we go through it, we never be experience
this entire matter about our life.
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