Sarcasm is a type of fear to loose the existence of one ego. Why many of the people here in this #insane world are so #rude, #vulgar, #dirty, and#rough character-ed? why do they always trying to dominate others? responses are very simple because they need one #object to vomit their#mental-#grudge and they don't find any #expression to ooze-out their mental yet #repressed load. Hence they are in search of finding the#objective figure. Who else they can find an #inferior or #worker, or any#masochist....This is the civilian war which always, everywhere in our life since at the level of #animal we are facing this #instinctive violence. A predator-victim way of living and grabbing the life....just observe all these#nasty possibilities in your #life and #let-go of them and be #relaxed"Nothing can influence without your allowance and no-one can dominate you without your authority and involvement". Be happy and be loving and being loved by you and you are the only #authentic, #eternal, yet #lonely lover to yourself no one can fulfil your presence in yourself.
Happy #valentines day...(the so-called lover's day)..........heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon dbk
Happy #valentines day...(the so-called lover's day)..........heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon dbk
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