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Be an Individual - Never become a slave

Be an Individual

Individuals are members of source for this society. They exist because of their identity and existence. The very earthly nature of each individual makes him/her proud enough. Spiritual quest along with the earthly nature uplifts one to a highest peak of the consciousness. Aggression and reactive nature in one are two entities which make one's to become inferior. While anguish and anxiety are two entities that makes one to be superior. These two extreme nature of human behavior's are dangerous to lead a life. Life along with these two extremes leads one to the state of death. A dragging and pulling the life have death at each instance. 

Uniqueness and individuality are both synonymous, and they are not separate enough. Freedom of expression and free speech are two diversified things which vary from one individual to another. There exists only one entity, but the forms are many. Criticism works when one is inferior and it can never be applied on completely filled minds.   

Never become a slave 

Never let turn yourself into a slave of your own mind. Mind is so cunning that it can go any extreme to harass you. It takes such a destructive steps that you cannot get rid-off those actions from your head just after imposition. I trust that no-mind condition prevails in one's being is to have everything, while the persons associated with the mind are slaves. They get no freedom neither they get satisfaction too. One thing can be remembered always that each individual has an immense potential to prove him/her self. It can exists either in the form of subtle level energy or in the form of macro level.  



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