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Work pressure in PhD

PhD course
As we all think about PhD course that it is very lengthy and time taking course, when it comes to the reality it is wrong. This is because any PhD thesis work is not fixed interms of time and efforts, it's all relative to one another. Few candidates may take more than 7-8 years to complete their thesis, but some may competes the thesis in 3-4 years. It is all depends on supervisor's personal and professional ethos, candidate's caliber and knowledge ( in terms of basics or fundamental) and the facility provided by the institute joined.
Following points to be noticed and noted:
a. Supervisor's reputation
Experience along with the reputation is the positive point for supervisors. It strengthens the one to gain his or her knowledge. In the process of making it one looses one's elite light energy and precious life time at the cost of intelligence gain. Do you think anyone have an idea about the word "consciousness"? It is a measure of physical (sensual), mental (intellectual), emotional (intelligence) and existential (spiritual) wellbeing. It is a bit sad to say that most of the present generation do not know about these spiritual possibilities. You may ask me why spirituality and consciousness. I would say that no work is complete without any involvement completely with consciousness outside and inside the being. I tried to implement it but it's little delicate issue to handle. 
b. Student's caliber
Student plays a major role in the trial of making efforts and creating a knowledge throughout the thesis. It is very essential thing that student must obey the sayings of supervisor as because he or she will helps students throughout. There are many types of students do exist namely: 

  1. hardworking-yet-dumb, 
  2. hardworking-yet-unorganized, 
  3. sincere-yet-dumb, 
  4. dumb-cum-unorganized,
  5. intellectual-yet-hardworking, 
  6. Hardworking-but-dumb
  7. knowledgeable-yet-lazy,
  8. Intellectual-but-lazy
  9. Lazy-cum-dumb
c. Institute's facility
The institute must provide technical facility to accomplish research and to gain subject knowledge.  
Most of the institutes have enough knowledge base in terms of 24 x 7 library, but access for the laboratories for the research are meager. This is due to the permission or relevance, subjecting to use and objectives of the student to use may be mismatched with the objectives of the research facility in the labs.
d. Mental health
Mental health of a student or a faculty in technical institutes is a salient issue which was marginalized or neglected for  centuries. When we initiate doing work, particularly, the mind related work mental health either through student-faculty relationship or through knowledge sharing.

  1. Loneliness
  2. Work culture
  3. Ethics vs. Morality


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