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A series of perceptions (dbk)

Perception written and shared in Face book
1) Word is so powerful it is such an energetic value that it kills others psychologically. Shouting looses your energy a vital micro-subtle energy. Never talk bigger try to be silent as more as possible...silence preserves our energy, hence there is no fear of loosing the energy by working hard. People are afraid of being workaholic only because they loose a vast energy with in minutes, which they preserved for many days of eating and sleeping.
2) Knowing yourself it wisdom...knowing others is intelligence....knowing about something outside is knowledge...while, knowing nothing is ignorance...
3) India had gone through Bodily science such as ayurveda, yoga, and other physical practices to heal our physical system of our life. Further, this work was improved with a improving its science of body into an art oriented science evolved such as stone carvings, music, dance, and other art forms......finally, this collective science driven Indians toward spirituality...that is the highest state of consciousness such as stopped here due to the non-functioning of mind....meditation is nothing but a no-mind condition. Hence, yoga, sufi, and philosophical schools failed to address the truth...they had a glimpse of truth but not an exact path showing towards life (truth) except zen(japanese) is another form of dhyaan(sanskrit)....chan(chinese), and zhaan(pali)....meditation(english)....any name but it is a state of no-mind.....after this you will not be there to judge....yourself....only it is there it will be was there........truth.....!
4) An oratory speech is just a vomiting the matter which is already written, while a spontaneous speech is living word. It will have a flux of words with a huge gaps such as winds in between two drops of words....oration is meant to be a big series of words without any gaps....but spontaneity is of less words more meaning such as more silence in between two consecutive words...
5) Stupid people are easily get angry, jealous, anxious, anguish, lustful, and many psychological momentary thoughts.....this is a syndrome a disease. those who suffer from inferiority complex become serious in any matter without sanity without any point too. Hence, there is a lot of psychic patients on this beautiful planet....the most cultured you are the more vulnerable you are to many psychic disorders...that is crime rate in India and other countries has been increasing without any healing....or treatment.....the only reason for this problem is people's mind...once mind discontinues thus exists a peace, relaxation...hence it drives the human to MEDITATION.....meditation without medication is healthy because you are completely healthy without any healing required...
6) If your happiness is conditional, then it is limited. The expanding happiness will not depend on anything with society, prestige, power, property, money, and any physical or mental benefits. Absolute love gives absolute happiness and it is called bliss.Irrespective of all pros and cons from society, we must be in a position to give something to the society, but not in the position to beg from others. Poverty is absolutely avoided and be rich outside and inside too
7) Nobody born pure nor die impure....all are equal and unique....this discrimination of people in the name of custom is wrong is more like insulting the same intelligence....


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