Meditation is nothing but looking at our own self inside but it is not a search outside. Once we look at our own self a tremendous joy and bliss arises out of nothing. Just after closing your eyes observing the breath you see many thoughts are ready to rush towards you. It is a state of mind and you feel confused and lost in traffic of thoughts or lost in chattering of mind. Once you cut the thoughts continuously without making any effort that is by ignoring every thought and its pattern you reach a state of no-thought. Not even a ripple arises out of the blissful lake of consciousness. That is called nirma nishidda stiti (stillness-silence-state)...
Don't make any effort to cultivate or inculcate compassion it is already existing you just have to observe it consciously and relax more and more so that it appears...because of continuous thoughts you may not see you compassion easily but with a relaxation all else belong to the mind can disappear only a clear consciousness arises that is your self...your self is compassion...but you as a mind cannot cultivate compassion otherwise it is just a surfacial experience a superficial idea....relax, meditate, and let go let it happen....
Meditation is nothing but looking at our own self inside but it is not a search outside. Once we look at our own self a tremendous joy and bliss arises out of nothing. Just after closing your eyes observing the breath you see many thoughts are ready to rush towards you. It is a state of mind and you feel confused and lost in traffic of thoughts or lost in chattering of mind. Once you cut the thoughts continuously without making any effort that is by ignoring every thought and its pattern you reach a state of no-thought. Not even a ripple arises out of the blissful lake of consciousness. That is called nirma nishidda stiti (stillness-silence-state)...
Don't make any effort to cultivate or inculcate compassion it is already existing you just have to observe it consciously and relax more and more so that it appears...because of continuous thoughts you may not see you compassion easily but with a relaxation all else belong to the mind can disappear only a clear consciousness arises that is your self...your self is compassion...but you as a mind cannot cultivate compassion otherwise it is just a surfacial experience a superficial idea....relax, meditate, and let go let it happen....
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