Blaming someone exploits your energy. It makes you inferior even once you regain your energy back. Such a sensitive issue of mind it is because of its controversial nature of impacting on human mind. I do agree that it needs much contradiction to make you understand what does it mean.
1. One who blame someone that means he is incapable to make it
Yes it is true that the one who blames someone who is intimate or ahead of ones own mind. The very dominance of individual makes him adamant and it makes him/her to react to the situation. But a mere reaction never gives any solution to ones own problem of assault. Society conditions every individual and it also makes one to be vulnerable. That is the reason why people's mind become so mundane and frustrated that it never listen to any commandments of any conspiracy. It is a legacy of society that one never can live happy.
2. The one who get blame is always vulnerable to be inferior and to be afraid off
Once ether body gets holes or blocks they either accumulate energy or they release a lot of energy out.
How to overcome this guilt created by a blame? this is a big yet essential question one can get after certain time of blame.
3. Blaming each other means killing each other
Blaming each other means killing or digging at each other. It happens often between married coupe because two forces are strong and equal enough. But with a student vs. teacher or boss vs. assistant only the elder wins and younger has to admit whatever elder says. Here superior become sadistic and inferior becomes masochist. And the journey goes very smooth and most of the successive congregations are always attributed to this ugly relational conspiracy.
4. How stupid is this and how idiotic is this!
No one is there to help an individual during his humiliation. This society is completely blind and it never makes any justice to anyone in its history not even to a single individual. This is what law and justice works with a blind folded eyes, but with a fictitious evidences. It never wants any authentic proof or evidence because there will not be any curiosity when everything is revealed with authentic proof. Society allows only contradictory statements and confusing or deceiving evidences.
5. Forgiveness is a quality to implant in hateful mind
Everyone is ready to unload somehow on someone, but no one is tolerant enough to take the grudge of ignorant people. Forgiveness is a quality and counterattack is just a sheer stupidity of destruction. Once the mental load has been unloaded and forcefully pasted or imposed on somebody outside it reverberated back and a continuous energy boomeranging happens. This is what the real science of human mind. Mind gets entangled with all the crap and it gets cluttered and studded with many ideas or thoughts.
6. Meditation vs. gibberish or catharsis
Thank you
Sanathana Asthithvaka
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