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Friendship- within and without

One day i was going to snacks in my university campus near the department, but -unfortunately i didn't get any friend that day to have a company. While i was coming back from canteen, i had a habit of discussing with me (my inner being). I astonished that my inner being was giving the suggestions and courage to me not to worry. It was saying that no need of any friend outside but inside, i am the only friend eternal to you -not only to you but also others, i stunned by hearing such a soothing voice from my within. Friends within cannot deceive you but friends without always can cheat you at any moment. My inner was saying to me that don't worry i am there with you always and i said sorry to it, thus it said that there is no need of saying sorry to me because a real friend never deserve any sorry or expect anything from a lovely being. you are the love to me so what is the need of love from you to me...! By saying the sorry you may lost your dignity of being an authentic individual. Never try to say sorry to me it is disgusting me and injustice to the reality. Existence is such a compassionate being that even is never deserve sorry from me i did not see such a compassionate being in any one of my friends without. 
Any work is concerned with your functioning, be honest and sincere. Even though it may be a loss to you but never loose the hope and trust upon the existence. Irrespective of the consequences you have to abide all the hurdles and troubles which you face in your life. I had an experience in my life that i was travelling from anantapur. a small town district head quarter of andhra pradesh to nizamabad the same in ap. I had nothing to spend on my travel but only 200 rupees, so i started with a dare that i spent 110 rupees for train ticket to hyd. Among 80 rupees which remained with me, i spent around 35-50 rupees for food, Finally, i was having 30 rupees sharply. Unfortunately, i was being caught out to a TTE of railway station in hyd without ticket. My friend took my ticket for his purpose, i was new to railway travel so i could not take it. Finally, at-last i paid 25 rupees to the TTE and escaped from him and called immediately to my friend to have a money. I got 50 rupees from him and travelled with a 40 rupees ticket. Remaining 10 rupees are spent on auto with a balance of 5 rupees to home. I was so happy and so contented that for the first time my self was helping me a lot to me instead this barbarous society around me. However, i learned the art of not having anything with me almost as a beggar so you will be freed from even the money also. It was given me the dignity of living an authentic life without any bondage.    


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