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Identification - We are always out side the entity

After a long period of identification with my mind, i realized in deep meditation that mind is the very clever un reality which we always being identified with it. It was done in my life too that i was treating me as the mind and gone into the same circles once again. It is all about past but significant. Anyways, if it belongs to mind it is not so significant but if it is concerned to the being or self it is significant. Once you are being witnessed by the mind you will be identified with it, while once you witness the mind you will become a witness but mind vanishes away. There is only a pure consciousness called chitta but not chitta vritti's. Identification is literally means 'Maya' in Sanskrit.
There is a story told by osho in his discourses about 'goose is out' but you always exist outside the bottle. It is a very interesting story and it is not hypothetical but purely authentic in nature. Let we begin that story with a small remembrance. Human nature is always to witness the things which are going around him/her, but the contemporary being is always will have a threat from the mind. This threat is nothing but Maya or identification by mind. Maya not only applicable to the mind but also other physical entities. Most of the people thinks that they are nothing but their desires, which consists of property, places, prestige, perception, pleasure, penny, and personality. These all are either of psychological or physical wealth. Everything of this category comes from the outer world, but nothing comes from the inner. As 'Ramana maharshi' said that anything which comes from outside is nothing but goes out it never exist inside you, eternally.
Here goose is nothing but the mind or the entity which you are being identified. And bottle is nothing but your inner being, and the outsider is nothing but your self witness. As i am explaining about these things in a simplistic way but it was not explained by osho easily, there were so many contradictions in his speech because authentic spontaneity brings so many contradictions. While the philosophizing anything becomes deadly, of course it is true, but there is no other way to reveal the mystified things to people. Hence, teacher is only the mediator for these mediocre minds. However, authentic master always significant as far as truth is concerned. 
It was happened in once in India such as in Bengal that ramakrishna was living on the bank of Ganges or hugli river. With his devotion towards maa kaali, he became a famous devotee in that area. When it was happening, a scholar and a master of philosophy and logic debendranath datto was being attracted towards him. One day he announced to ramakrishna that he is going to visit the ramakrishna belur math in order to meet ramakrishna. Rama Krishna invited him whole kindheartedly that he was waiting for datto in outside the ashram from morning on wards. They had a big debate to expect but it was not happened there. When datto asked a question that where the god exist can you say?, ramakrishna emotionally responded to datto that where from you got this knowledge and unless this existence gives you such an intelligence in each minute how can you live? datto was embarrassed and surprised with the ramakrishna response finally became a disciple of him. This is the authentic proof that only the authentic spontaneity gives you a way but not the mundane -deserted- philosophy alone, which delivered by all wasted interests.           


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