Glossary of spirituality
-LightActually, in reality light exist and brightens in each and every moment, but the man who being ignorant never try to step up instead being paralleled. It is only possible if one can experience each and every moment through witness. Moreover, it comes only when you never contain even a grain of burden such as past knowledge and future intention (illusion)..
Beginning-means starting the journey of consciousness
Continuing-means flowing like a river flux
Begin your sacred journey by continuing your intellectual in the form of living...
If we have awareness in us not in reading (but in the reader), so we will be surprised to see the miracle...then, the journey self realization starts after..
That is 'yourself' meant by 'your mind', but not your 'self; self is pure whereas mind is polluted always in order to destroy our 'self' individuality.
Destruction of nature indicates the destruction of human existence, thus every human should realize the importance of the nature and would try to live in a conservative manner.
Live in the very present (fresh) moment, so that your life becomes living, finally you turns into a godliness existence...
-Life is a music
Life is a music creates sound from both 'sukha' as well as 'dukha'...unless shrunga (crest) and dhroni (Trough) in the flow happens there will not be any wave the fluid (liquid or gas)...
Heart (lotus) can be unfolded when Soul (sun) brightens its intellectual (light rays), finally heart (lotus) starts loving (blossoming) towards existence or being (universe or mother earth).
Nishkama (Desireless) karma is always good, because by this you are not getting any other karma which creat ashaanthi (violence) in you..
Meditation creates silence in us, we can melt our self into that state and we can extract that immense flavor of it.
I think we have only the right time in present-this moment-at this instance, but not that we are having past and future, however, they are illusions such as Remark (Past) and Dream (Future).
Fear exist in the insecure state of the one's being...consequently, individuality may not comes to you...finally, one becomes dead being condemned by his own...
Human already matured but it has to be known to him, unless he known himself he never fulfill the truth...
Observe the breath (Vipassana) and witness the bliss...silence comes to you...then all the joy and celebration attains to your inner...
Still mind is like the mirror which has no dust on it, and such as a moon on the surface of the still water...
-Chariot of life
Atman has its own servers such as -Heart is the 'adhistannam'; Third eye is the 'Entrance'; Body is the 'carrier'; Mind is the 'Illusion'-of the atman.
-Peace and prayer
I am not proud to be a person support for the people (such as political leaders, Army generals, religion priests, and polluted media) who used to make the violence in this mother earth for their ego satisfaction...Om shanthi shanthi, shanthihi...
Real cultivation in our intellectual is to search inside rather roaming outside...
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