In the context of living with the consciousness, when one can able
to be there in consciousness thus one's darkness of ignorance possible to be
diminished. Further, this ignorance can never be drags you into the den of the
devils. Until the mind clings with you, debris only can be produced and in
consequence it accumulates in your inner being. While you had melted with the
self, thus it means to be that you are not there with the mind, in this moment
you never face any inconvenience, inferior, and division, etc. Then after,
blossoms of love can be explodes from you to the world and the universe.
These conscious moments are nothing but the minutes melted with
the godliness and living alone with the self being. The vast space of the ocean
like life adding with the flux of the river like living experiences, and purest
water drops like minutes, we are concerned like energy of the river flux to
reach the oceanic banks. This mating of flux energy with the oceanic currents
treated as period of consciousness.
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