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Spiritual transformation of human being: Solution

Spiritual transformation of human being: Solution

Complete transformation of the human being can be possible when only the complete responsibility has already been taken by every individual person in this existence. The importance of the individual in this existence is an immense value possibly it should be added to get the immense flavour of an essence such as existence. 


In our inner world, when it reaches to the complete silence, it projects the outer world as it is generally held like in its (ouster’s) own. So, the very idea of the outer that can be transformed into inner is the foolish and childish act or statement which can only be said by the inner hallow personalities such as person associated with ignorance, priests, and superficial identity in this society. In the reality, It is the only way to try for  the transformation of a human being in this existence possible when one can able to take whole responsibility of the existence and one must be strict to the very silent state of being in each and every moment, then it can be possible to perturb the human's perceptions and ideologies into the experiences and essential intellectualism. 


Mind can obstruct person in each and every moment in order to renew the past achievements such as Remarks into the future expectations such as Dreams, thus mind can get something what it want earlier in this every moment. In the process one must to be asked himself that "why it is so the mind does not want to allow to transform the perceptions into the experiences?", otherwise mind tries to entertain you with its rubbish or foolish ideology held in this barbarian society. However, one will definitively lost him in these thickest barren lands such as forests and deserts, usually so called society. Moreover, if you lost yourself then to regain your nature and retain your existence in this society is a tremendous difficulty, so that one day you die with your questions and miseries but not with the solution and self attainment. Hence, ignorance makes this possible to unknown everything in each and every human's importance in this existence. 


It is the moment that one can only able to solve this problem of disease so called the ignorance is the meditation. Meditation can transforms one's being into the bliss full state of one's existence. Existence wants us to live in the purest and natural state as we born and grown during the childhood. Society and the people residing in this society such as parents, teachers, priests, professors, political leaders, and authority and each and every stupid kind of people, has been changing and marking with the beautiful tags on your head in order to identify to caught one's mind, to bargain and to insists then to kill the very root of the one's being. Consequently, one can die instead trying to resist this strange people, one has always been dying in each and every moment rather than transforming himself in each moment. However, at the end the person loose his identity and responsibility towards the existence consequently dries up his heart to end up this beautiful gift such as living (life).


The transformation in human can happen only if one can try to sacrifice his pleasures and miseries associated with his being. This is the state of mind called the "Parithyaagam"(Sacrifice), and also known as "Vairagyam" (Un interest) from this physical world and psychological perceptions. Then one can attain individuality and to get the "nirvana" (Moksha or Kaivalya or liberation) he needs to walk only few paces to reach it. This walk way is known to be make a silence in each and every state of mind and in each and every moment itself, thus we day...we being attained enlightenment by the existence...Truth can be revealed and witnessed at this very moment...complete joy, complete silence, and complete nothingness... 



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