In the reality, discrimination is meant to be discriminated the
truth from the ignorance, in other words, it is to be observed by the self, to
the self, for the self. Swan is an example for discrimination such that it
varies water from milk through squeezing the milk and leaving the water, while
it is drinking the composite milk. Humans can also be acted like a swan,
without having any contradictions. However, discrimination is not meant to be
distinguished by mind, but it is just the opposite.
On the contrary, distinctness can be called as the vision of
duality. Everything in which there is a division comes to the person being dual
in nature. Basically, It comes from the mind and goes on grown in the past,
thus it accumulates into one’s mind till the death. However, there is no end
for the mind to its accumulation of past activities. Then further our mind
kills the existence of our being thus it never fails to terminate.
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