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Meaning of responsibility is arbitrary in nature, because it is always misunderstood due to its truthfulness. Truth can never be understood ideally, contractually, it will be diverted the actual meaning of truth to the unreal. This diversion can be possible when your mind is present, but in the absence of your mind there will nothing be happened rather than silence such as be experienced in the form of nothingness or open space or infinite courage or great sorrow or immense love or blossoming of flower or cool breezes and etc. However, responsibility comes when one is totally present in the very moment of present but it never comes through carrying all the debris along with him such as knowledge or talent or ideology or thoughts or logicality and all the wasted interests. 
Responsibility means to response in this present moment always, irrespective of the consequences and without concerning any contradictions.
When one be there or be clinging with the mind always without trying to come out of that situation, he will be treated as a person being mentally ill ,completely. Conditioning is the disease that which has been practicing by many of the orthodontic and traditional minds. Though it is a disease, people never thought to terminate the process of following,blindly. It is a strange situation that some people in the east, particularly, in India, they can never wants to be relieved from the golden cage such as Primitive -traditional-culture, also it is called as religion. Thus, these eastern fellows go on suppress their internal energy known as sexual energy without spending or even without utilizing it for an whole life. On the contrary, in the west people are so crazy about their life and they go on release their energy consequently they go on waste their energy of life such as sexual energy without having any control on it. However,both of them are wrong and both of them are ignorant that condemning of the energy and misusing of the energy. 

These is one and only one solution for it that to transform this sexual energy into the energy of intellectualism through meditation. Meditation transforms this natural energy into the energy of individuality such as blissful state of mind. It is also known to be state of being enlightened. Hence, peace can exist in this universe without having any contradictions and without any barbarous situations. This religion is beyond all the religions of our global society.
Meditation is a tremendously blissful state of being in humans life. Where is the question to humans of not attaining this beautiful state of being,because one think that this question should comes through ones mind but not from the being by natural process. This misunderstanding by human makes silly about the meditation, finally, ones mind diverts that craziness into the contradiction. This very contradiction of a person can be carried out by his Ego, in consequence ego go on destroys persons Individuality, Sorrow, Truthfulness, Natural ecstasy, Blossoming of heart, creativity, and finally it condemn Intellectual of the person. Unless the ego falls into our feet, we cannot get rid of this contradiction of being. My dear beings kindly place at least one step far beyond from your boundary always, it can give the scope to your growth in this spiritual realistic life, thus the remembered wisdom should be implemented in each and every minute of your life till your death.          


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