Family Family is as responsible as the society such as teachers and lecturers, and politicians, and bureaucrats, etc. Because parents condition their children so deeply so that even they cannot identify their own conditioning. It will deeply rooted inside each of the children, thus it creates a hallow space inside our being. However, it leads to the big ego and it deserve the others to destroy their being. It continuous till one individual dies, psychologically, completely in order to get each of individual to become a slave to the society. Few days back, i was asking my father that please allow me to do ph.D. in philosophy in India by withdrawing the existing degree. Even if i do my research in philosophy for years but it makes me so happy and so much contented. I know how to handle the things when i am interested in it. But my egoistic so-called father did not allow me to go forward. He told me that you do your things own way and take a decision individually. It is a settled...